I am an impatient person when it comes to having my house in order. I am trying very hard to learn that having patients in all things we do truly in a virtue. Just because I am trying to use take a small walk-in storage place in our home and make it a place for my girls to play, life does not stop and wait for this project to be completed. Oh, no it doesn't!!
Let me explain, about a month ago both my husband and I noticed a small spot on the ceiling right above where my oldest sons sleeps. Since we have only been in the house since August of 2008 we thought that maybe it was there when we bought the house and we just didn't notice it. That would be OK because we usually end up wanting to paint our houses with the colors we choose and sometimes we paint our ceilings a complementary color to the wall or the same color as the wall. Fast forward a few days and as I am doing laundry I notice my dryer is having trouble getting the clothes dry...I had to run the dryer through three complete cycles to get the clothes dry. That is a problem...5 kids and a husband...PROBLEM!!! My laundry piles kept getting larger and larger as you all can imagine. Hmmmm....what could be the problem??? I am in my oldest sons room again and notice the small spot on the ceiling is now accompanied by 4 more much larger spots. Is the roof leaking...I don't think so, his room is on the 1st floor and the roof would be over the 2nd floor...so that would NOT be the problem. My husband comes home from work and I show him the ceiling, so we walk outside and low and behold, walla there is the dryer vent on the outside wall of the house. It is going through the ceiling in my sons room.
The dryer vent is clogged there is the problem. It is causing too much moisture in the ceiling since the duct is clogged. Problem solved call someone out to clean out the duct and it will solve the whole problem. NOT even close!!! The guy that was here to clean out the duct came to find me because oh yes there is a PROBLEM!!! Apparently the builder of our 10 year old house did not install the dryer vent going out of the house correctly. The only way to solve this is cut the sheet rock out, replace the pipe and put 2x4's in to keep the pipe from draining back into the house, and then patch it with new sheet rock, tape and texture. Then problem solved.
I am trying to tell myself to remain calm and this is just life...something to laugh at when we are old and gray.
Here is the view of the Ceiling and the new pipe with 2x4's. New sheet rock to be put on in a couple of days...awe I can do my laundry again in a timely fashion.
Here is the progress on the girls playroom. Sheet rock will be boxed around the air ducts to hide them. I think this will be a fun place for them to play, when it is finished. I'll keep you posted!!