This is the finished playroom for the girls it is about 10x12 with a slanted ceiling as you can see. It is a great space for the girls we just have to get it decorated for them. We painted it a gray -blue color but the picture does not show it very well.
This is the gameroom ceiling we painted that an accent color for the walls.
This is the gameroom that we still need to get put together, the walls are a taupe color. It is going to be a space for my boys to hang out in and the decor will be sports memoribilia...can you tell with the Griffey jersey in the background.
Here is a view of the carpet on the steps. How does the color look to you. Do you think it is too dark?
This is the corner of my boys bedroom. It is painted in accessible beige but it is hard to tell in the picture. I am going to do a wide stripe around the room to accentuate the bedding.
This is the girls bedroom and again the picture is not very true to the color. It is more of a yellow-green than that bright of a green. It is one of my favorite colors in the rooms that we did. Can you tell we painted all the ceilings also.

Well, where do I begin? Let me start by apologizing for my absents but sometimes my ambitions get the better of me. I take on more than I can handel at times with very good intentions until the overload hits me and then something has to give. Usually that is working on the blog and laundry. Then it all snowballs and the laundry is out of control with 7 people in the house and it takes me weeks to catch up.
We have progressed on the house somewhat. The playroom is now complete and the bedrooms have been painted as well as the gameroom. New carpeting has also been installed on the 2nd floor. After the carpeting was installed it took me a few day's to get use to the new color. The carpet before was very light and the new carpet is much darker. I am liking my new carpeting better everyday and I am sure it will wear better with the kids.
My other projects will have to be place on hold until I get my house back to being organized...ugh!!
You've had a ton of stuff going on, so I amazed that you have managed to do all that and get laundry and meals together at all, much less blog about it! I love everything you've done so far! Keep us posted!
You need to get on with the other projects now! More pictures please!!!! Sorry I missed your call, after we got home I slept the day away! Talk to you tomorrrow!